Math And 3D
"Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice" by Foley, van Dam, Feiner, and Hughes.  This book is all theory for computer math.  there are general examples in C, but most of it is just concepts for you to get started with, then expand on.
"The C Programming Language" by Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M.Ritchie (thin, white with a big blue 'C', second edition has a red 'ansi C' as well.)  This book is commonly referred to as "K&R" or "The C Bible" by everyone here.  It's Just C -no fluff, no crap.  This is the book that I used to learn the C language. Take it slow, do the lessons and the sky is the limit.
"The Annotated C++ Reference Manual" by Ellis, Stroustrup (redish-brown) the C++ parallel of the previously mentioned book.
Operating Systems
"Inside DirectX" by the Microsoft Press (white and orange) this book has a lot of info, but is tough to read... you usually have to go through a chapter twice to get it, but when ever you have a question, the answer's always in there.
"Programming Windows 95" by CHARLES PETZOLD.  (white) better reference than a learning tool.
The Black Arts books, I've never used them myself, but have heard good things about them, so take a look and you be the judge.


you're not a dummy, you're just inexperienced.
Those books are crap!

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