Danny Burbol
<[email protected]>

To find a challenging technical position at a growing company where I may utilize my skills in software programming and development, in areas that involve problem solving and the implementation of the game itself  ( Logic Programmer, Jr. Programmer, AI, Physics, Controls, etc ).

Graduated with excellence from DigiPen Applied Computer Graphics School, which is a 2 year diploma program based solidly on the making of video games.
A Few Courses Include:

Principles of Computer Graphics:
Mathematical concepts for game programming consisting of everything from optimized drawing routines to advanced 3d algorithms.

Operating Systems:
Mac OS, Window's GDI, Window's MFC, Direct Draw, and Open GL techniques.

High Level Programming:
Concepts of C, C++, Object Orientated Design, Speed / Memory Optimization, and the ability to program in teams.

Low Level Programming:
Assembly languages including 65816, 68000, and Power PC Assembly as well as a brief study of the 6502.

Story boarding and Game Concepts:
Elements of game design, presenting skills, the implementation of technical design and project manual documentation, and the importance of teamwork.

Algorithm Analysis:
Covered many types of sorting algorithms using arrays, link lists, recursion, and iterative approaches.  Also extensive problem solving techniques.


-A perfect Advanced Placement Calculus score, 1996
-Highest Math SAT Award, Ninety Six High  1997
-First Place, Class A Award for Editorial Columns, South Carolina Scholastics Press Association, for the months of December 1996, March 1997, and the Year of 1997.

Games: Game Demos.
Design: Game Design Documentation.
Art: Drawings, Sketches, etc.
Writing: Short Stories, and Poems.



Citizenship: United States
Availability: Can begin anytime, and willing to relocate.
Hobbies:  Video Games, Writing, Art, Dancing, Guitar, Rollerblading, and anything else I can get my hands on.
Further Comments:
Game programming is my passion, and it is easy to get up in the morning and put your all into a full day's work when you are doing what you love.

Melvin Gonsalvez,
Dip. Graphic Arts, Dip. Bldg. Tech-Arch. Vice President
of Productions, DigiPen (Canada) Corporation
-Voice: ( 604 ) 682-0300
-E-Mail: [email protected]
Van Ly,
B.A.Sc Comp.Eng. Director, Vice President, DigiPen (Canada) Corporation
-Voice: ( 604 ) 682-0300
-E-Mail: [email protected]
Dave Pileggi,
Head of the Math Department at Ninety Six High, South Carolina (My Calculus Teacher).
-Voice: ( 864 ) 223-3185
Please contact one or more of these gentlemen if you are interested in getting any letters of recommendation.  I am confident they would have nothing but good things to say.

If you haven't already, I invite you to visit the site I have constructed in the name of game programming, via the links below.

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